Innessa Mikha, was born Inna Mikhaylova in Vitebsk, Belarus (former Soviet Union) on May 30, 1987. She immigrated to Brooklyn in 1993, at the age of six, under the Jewish Refugee status.
Innessa began writing seriously sometime in high school – she attended Edward R. Murrow. Her first love was poetry which started writing at the age of seventeen, but wrote her first full-length novel, The Summer of April Pierce, at age twenty-seven.
Fast forward to 2009, after graduating Baruch College in New York City Innessa had a date with fate. Having suffered acute liver failure from super rare Wilson’s Disease – (the liver’s inability to process copper and not to be confused with Wilson the volleyball who is trapped on an island with Tom Hanks) – Innessa’s life was in the hands of doctors, god, and fate. Thanks to the Donor Program she was able to receive a liver.
Second chance at life was a gift she couldn’t waste. Her dream of becoming a writer was something she knew she had to do. Despite having fears and doubts like many people, she believes that destiny has something else in store for her.